+7 (499) 444-75-80
Mon - Fri, from 10:00 to 19:00

We'll make every square meter work for you

Get a concept of your future hotel that will

  • with minimal costs
  • in a specific location
  • bring you maximum profit
Get a consultation
Anton Basin
founder and director
BASINN hotel development
The concept determines
  • Whether the hotel will be in demand by guests or not
  • Whether it will bring profit or losses
  • Whether it will be a quickly redeemable project for the owner or a low-liquid "suitcase without a handle"
What we do to make your hotel profitable

Conduct market research


Develop a master plan for the territory


Calculate the financial model of project payback

study the market
to ensure the investment is justified

We study the local area and its infrastructure
  • transportation routes
  • surrounding objects, including non-touristic, and how they can help attract an audience
We assess economic market trends in hotel real estate for the next 10-20 years: including at the location of the object
  • market stability
  • potential market growth
  • emergence of "new" players
  • market stagnation
  • region's marketing opportunities
Everything that can affect the hotel's economy
Target Audience
We study the potential audience:
  • who they are
  • where they come from
  • what locations and formats of rest are interesting to them
  • what are the behavior scenarios
  • what is the purchasing power
  • how many can we attract
We analyze competitors' offers:
  • presence of other hotels near the asset
  • competitiveness in relation to each other
  • range of services and their level
  • internal infrastructure
  • average daily prices
  • seasonal occupancy for the last 5 years
Get a consultation

We ALWAYS make preliminary trips to the location where the hotel is planned to be built

Only this way can we accurately determine the potential of the site, which depends on:
We examine dozens of parameters on-site
  • location of the hotel's infrastructure objects
  • construction costs
  • the type of hotel itself
How we ended up designing a Child-free hotel concept instead of a family hotel Learn more
The marketing research conducted and the analysis of the site will give us a clear understanding
What type of hotel to build that would:
  • successfully fit into the site
  • meet market conditions
  • allow for minimum expenses and maximum profit
What market share the future project will take
That building an object at this location is not economically feasible —
then we will offer you a ready-made mini-concept in another place
Хотите построить отель?
If you have an idea to build a hotel,
but there's no clear understanding of what it should be, how much it will cost and what profit to expect — you need a Concept
Leave your phone number and get a consultation on developing the Concept of your hotel
We will contact you shortly
  • we will tell you how we work and how we can help you
  • guide you on the cost of services
  • discuss further actions
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Working on all the key aspects of opening a hotel

which directly or indirectly influence the creation of a successful business

Placing the main infrastructure objects on the site plan


Formulating the project idea based on natural conditions, region, economic situation, and other factors


Determining the optimal composition of infrastructure and other project parameters


Placing the main infrastructure objects on the site plan


Calculating the main technical and economic indicators, including:

  • investment volume
  • revenue
  • expenses
  • payback period, NVP, IRR, ROI etc.
On average, the planned indicators for the hotels we design
  • 6-10 years payback period
  • 20-25% forecasted profitability
The indicators vary depending on the hotel category, number of rooms, service level, etc.

Already at the first stage, you will have a detailed plan for the location of hotel objects, taking into account the features of the site

You will see what the hotel and its entire territory will look like in the future
We will determine the right place for each object. So that it is convenient for both guests and service personnel
Discuss the development of the Hotel Concept

You will receive a financial model with calculations for the project for a period of 20 years

You can contact us for a specific service or order the creation of a hotel "turnkey"
  • CAPEX costs for the construction and equipment of the hotel
  • ОPEX operational costs
  • PNL revenues and expenses for each profit point: rooms, meals, entertainment, SPA, baths, etc.
  • ROI investment payback
plus dozens of other important parameters for financial planning and analysis
# # # #

The financial model is a "live" document in which you can change various forecast indicators for load and room price, cost of services, etc., and make conclusions about the investment potential of the project

As a result of a thoroughly worked out Business Concept, you will have
Project Description
A complete understanding of the project and who you are creating it for
Territory Zoning
A scheme with the location of the technical zone, living area, entertainment zone, etc.
Financial Assessment
An approximate cost of the project, payback period and projected profit
Plus, you will have confidence that during the implementation of the project, you will NOT face:
  • Correction of errors worth hundreds of millions of rubles
  • The loss of colossal amounts of time and life energy
Where to send an example of the Business Concept of one of our projects?
Your phone
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Your email
Your Telegram
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The Business Concept of your hotel is
Ready-made task for the designer
Justification for the defense of the business plan when taking out a loan from a bank
An argument in favor of the project before investors

How much can a hotel generate that is created according to our Business Concept?

All hotels vary in size and level. But if you average everything, the potential income could be:
  • Rooms 50
  • Average room cost 6,500 ₽
  • Profitability 20%
  • Average annual load 65%
Revenue from food and additional services
>50% /
of room revenue
Profit 23,131,875 ₽
2,300,000 ₽
Estimated cost of the Business Concept
of the 10-year profit of the hotel
Anton Basin
founder and director
BASINN hotel development

Your project will be handled by a team of experts in hotel design

Marketers, architects, visualizers, other specialists, as well as me, Anton Basin, founder and director of BASINN hotel development

It's important to understand that every square meter is money, which comes in the form of capital costs for the project budget. If designers don't think about this, the result could be an economically unreasonable idea.

All our ideas and creativity always correlate with the economic component of the project.

Call us and we will arrange an online consultation in Zoom, in our office, or at your facility
+7 (499) 444-75-80
Mon - Fri, from 10:00 to 19:00

Our experience includes more than 200 hotel projects

We've designed hotels in Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine, and Belarus

We are knowledgeable about laws, requirements, and rules according to which hotel facilities are created

More about the company
The two most common questions we get
How are you better than a management company?
  • The management company is interested in creating a hotel which it will subsequently manage
  • Therefore, it will create the hotel according to its own standards
  • This is not always optimal for the existing land or building
  • We, on the other hand, are NOT interested in creating any specific hotel model
  • We develop a business model that is optimal for your land, specific location, and you
How are you better than foreign companies with experience in developing similar concepts?
  • Foreign companies do not have a deep understanding of Russian realities, including national characteristics
  • They can conduct a market research based only on data available on the internet
  • Therefore, they might not take into account important factors that could significantly affect the future profitability of the hotel
  • We, on the other hand, are on the "ground" - we understand our reality, how everything works, what difficulties may arise, etc.
If you're not sure yet about the need to order a full-fledged Business Concept,
you can order a Business Concept light
Receive minimum development of your land or building for suitability for the hotel business
Understand what technical and economic and financial parameters your business project may have
Order Business Concept light
Find out how we can help solve your problem and how much it might cost
Answer 4 questions — it won't take much time and will make our conversation constructive
What do you want?
Do you already have a plot of land for construction?
Where is the land plot located?
If there is no land, we can help
  • Decide on the location of the plot
  • With the technical assignment (TA) for the plot
  • Or with searching for a plot
Please specify the city
Please specify what exactly needs to be done
Reconstruction implies changing the load-bearing structures of the building
Redesigning a building that previously did not house a hotel
Renovation, unlike reconstruction, does not involve changes to the building's load-bearing structures
Where is the building located?
Please specify the city
Do you already have an understanding of what your hotel should be like?

When developing a hotel concept, we always visit the site to assess its recreational potential. It affects:

  • the type of future hotel
  • the location of hotel infrastructure objects
  • construction costs

We can simply assess the suitability of the plot for the hotel business.

If you don't have a plot, we will suggest those we have already researched, determined the optimal hotel option, and developed a mini-concept for its development.

We have experience working:

  • With a variety of hotels: city and suburban, resort and ski
  • With sites located in different climatic conditions. We have designed hotels in Sakhalin and Kamchatka, in the southern regions of Russia and Georgia

We have experience working:

  • With a variety of hotels: city and suburban, resort and ski
  • With sites located in different climatic conditions. We have designed hotels in Sakhalin and Kamchatka, in the southern regions of Russia and Georgia

You will get an understanding of what your hotel will be like, how much investment it will require and when the investment will pay off at the stage of business concept development. It includes a master plan of the territory, on which you will see the location of all infrastructure objects of the project.

If there is a hotel development concept, we will help you understand it and answer your questions and doubts.

If it's easier for you to answer these questions on the phone - call
+7 (499) 444-75-80
Mon - Fri, from 10:00 to 19:00
Customer service manager
Thank you for your answers!
How can we contact you to discuss your task, its cost and send a gift?
Your name
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BASINN Hotel Development

Our office is located in Moscow

Office address
64 Sushchevsky Val street, Moscow
+7 (499) 444-75-80
Mon - Fri, from 10:00 to 19:00