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Mon - Fri, from 10:00 to 19:00

Designing hotels: norms and regulations (building codes, construction norms, industry standards, sanitary norms)

Anton Basin
Anton Basin
Founder and director BASINN hotel development

Hotel Design is a very important and responsible stage before the construction of a hotel. Using the project concept developed at the business planning stage, at this stage the external and internal appearance of your object is finally formed.

The design is thought out in detail in accordance with the concept and business plan developed at the previous stage: plans of all zones and rooms are developed (or refined), furniture and equipment are placed, the functionality of each square meter of the project hotel's area is thought out in detail, working documentation for builders is developed. This work is important for the participation of many specialists who have extensive experience in hotel design - designers, architects, technologists, and engineers.

Creating a successful hotel business implies the development of a concept that will take into account the nuances of the company's functioning and work. As soon as the concept is agreed and the business plan is developed, you can proceed to design. This is one of the main stages in the construction of any object.

Designing allows you to determine the exterior of the building, as well as see what it will look like inside, view the nuances of functioning.

It is important to take into account in the plan:

  • architectural design;
  • calculation of the number of rooms and their area;
  • placement of equipment;
  • selection of furniture;
  • location of engineering networks, communications.

It is important to combine the results of the work of builders, technologists, architects, designers. Before construction begins, it is advisable to determine where the zones for guests and staff will be located, select finishing materials, calculate the area of rooms so that guests are comfortable even with full occupancy of the accommodation object.

Hotel Master Plan

The development of the hotel's master plan is carried out at the initial stage. It includes:

  • planning scheme of the land plot, where all the objects to be built in the future are marked;
  • scheme of lighting fixtures installation, planting plans, installation of small architectural forms;
  • plans for the construction of buildings and structures on the territory of the land plot;
  • planning for the laying of communications;
  • improvement of the adjacent territory;
  • plan for protection against natural disasters, for example, when groundwater rises or in case of heavy rains;
  • reference to road junctions.

When designing a hotel, it is important to provide traffic schemes, pay attention to landscape design, and also conveniently place rest zones for guests and staff.

Anton Basin

My name is Anton Basin,

  • I am a Hotel Developer, I create Concepts, design, and open hotels. I have more than 200 projects in my portfolio.
  • I've been in the hotel business for 15 years. I worked in the Azimut hotel chain as the Deputy General Manager for development, built and opened the famous Lepota hotel near Moscow.
  • I created the Association of Country Hotels, where I am currently the President.
  • I am the Owner of BASINN Hotel Development Company.

To create a successful hotel business, it's important to consider aspects during the design phase that will make the hotel functional and comfortable:

  • it's important to create separate routes of movement for guests and staff. The optimal solution is separate elevators;
  • to ensure guests don't disturb each other, sound insulation in the rooms must be carefully considered;
  • availability of entertainment areas will attract more guests and also provide the opportunity to earn additional revenue from services not included in the accommodation cost. You can set up a cafe-bar, swimming pool, gaming zone. For family hotels, it's important to have children's activities;
  • hotels with good external infrastructure are attractive for guests. It should be convenient to reach either by taxi or by own transport;
  • if space permits, it's important to work on the adjoining territory;
  • an essential part of quality rest is safety. It can be ensured with reliable key-cards, surveillance systems in common areas, and fire prevention installations.

When designing a hotel, it's important to care not only about guests but also about future employees. The presence of utility rooms on each floor, separate elevators, rest rooms, storage spaces for household chemicals, product reception areas will attract conscientious staff.

Designing and Approval

By ordering a hotel project from a specialized company, clients can count on not only development but also the approval of all documentation in various authorities, assistance in passing expert evaluations.

The experience and professionalism of the staff will allow this to be done in the shortest possible time.

Do you have any questions or need a consultation from a specialist? Just call or fill out the feedback form on the website.

Hotel design rules: current standards (SP, SNiP, GOST, SanPiN)

ESKD (unified system of design documentation) SPDS (system of project documentation for construction) Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N 87 (edited 08.09.2017) "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content".
SP-257.1325800.2016 "Hotel buildings. Design rules".
SP 42.13330.2011 "Urban planning. planning and development of urban and rural settlements"
SP 118.13330.2012 "Public buildings and facilities"
SP 257.1325800.2016 "Hotel buildings. Design rules"
GOST 30389-2013 "Public catering enterprises. Classification and general requirements"
SP 113.13330.2016 "Car parks"
SP 59.13330.2016 "Accessibility of buildings and facilities for low-mobility population groups"
SP 131.13330.2012 "Building climatology"
SP 52.13330.2016 "Natural and artificial lighting"
SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings"
SP 51.13330.2011 "Noise protection"
SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, manufacturing and turnover of food products and food raw materials in them"
SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of work of stationary children's recreation and health improvement organizations"
SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, equipment, maintenance and operating regime of laundries"
SP 4.13130.2013 "Restriction of fire spread on protected objects"
SP 2.13130.2012 "Ensuring fire resistance of protected objects"
SP 1.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits"
SP 8.13130.2009 "Sources of external fire water supply"
SP 10.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply"
SP 14.13330.2014 "Construction in seismic areas"
SP 20.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.01.07-85 Loads and impacts"
SP 22.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.01-83 Foundations of buildings and structures"
SP 24.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.03-85 Pile foundations"
SP 63.13330.2012 "SNiP 52-01-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures"
SP 15.13330.2012 "SNiP II-22-81 Stone and reinforced stone structures"
SP 64.13330.2011 "SNiP II-25-80 Wooden structures"
SP 31.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.02-84 Water supply. External networks and structures"
SP 32.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures"
SP 30.13330.2012 "Internal water supply and sewage of buildings"
SP 124.13330.2012 "SNiP 41-02-2003 Heat networks"
SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas distribution systems"
SP 89.13330.2012 "Boiler installations"
SP 41-104-2000 "Design of autonomous heat supply sources"
SP 60.13330.2012 "SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"
SP 76.13330.2016 "SNiP 3.05.06-85 Electrotechnical devices"
SP 134.13330.2012 "Communication systems of buildings and structures. Basic design provisions"
SP 265.1325800.2016 "Communication collectors. Design and construction rules"
SP 59.13330.2016 "Accessibility of buildings and structures for low-mobility population groups (LMG)".
Anton Basin
Anton Basin
Founder and director BASINN hotel development
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